Privacy Policy
New London County Judgment Recovery does not keep a list of email addresses. If you email us, we will not give your email address to anyone else under any circumstances. You will not receive any promotional or informational mail from us except in reply to a specific question you have asked us,nor will you receive any mail from any third parties as a result of your having contacted us. We do not share any email information with third parties.
Our Policy on Spam
NLCJR respectfully requests that people do not send unsoliced messages promoting New London County Judgment Recovery to people they do not know, or post inappropriately to newsgroups or in other places. We understand that this is often done with good intentions.
However, anything that is regarded as unsoliced email, (SPAM) is not helping our business - and infact could hurt it, as it alienates clients who might otherwise use our services.
For this reason New London County Judgment Recovery conducts absolutely no email marketing or newgroup posting.
Thank you for respecting this policy.
We can help you recover your court awarded judgment(s).Click on Email to contact us